AstroTarot Natal Chart Reading
Unlock your Destiny written in the Stars
Service Description
The Astro Tarot session is an in-depth reading that’s designed for those looking to use their unique astrological determinants in collaboration with Tarot to cultivate a custom blueprint for their manifestations. During the first half of this session, we’ll look at your natal chart to gain deeper insight into the unique characteristics of your sun (identity/ego), moon (emotions/reactiveness), and rising (essence/ expression) signs. We’ll look at how you can leverage this unique energy to discover guideposts, opportunities, and potential pitfalls that lie on your journey. During the second half of your session, we’ll pull Tarot cards for each of your 12 houses to get clarity about where/ how to focus your energy in the different aspects of your life. This reading is optimal for getting rooted into your vision, gaining clarity, understanding the way your energy interacts with the universe and feeling divinely supported in cultivating the life you desire. Your reading can be recorded for you to access at a later time. Visit my FAQ for more information about how Astrology and Tarot work.
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